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Ben·e·fi·ci·ar·y (bĕn′əfĭsh′ēĕr′ē, fĭsh′ərē) n pl ben·e·fi·ci·ar·ies 1 One that receives a benefit I am the beneficiary of your generosity 2 The recipient of funds, property, or other benefits, as from an insurance policy or trust 3 Ecclesiastical The holder of aBeneficial mutation is retained in the population and accumulates in the form of adaptations in the course of evolution, whereas deleterious is not retained and is removed by means of natural selection Neutral mutation, on the other hand, does not cause significant effects in the population Generally, neutral mutations are accumulated through genetic drift The effects of mutation varyAuthors Why publish with us;

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Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association;Helpfulは、日本語で「役に立つ」と「助けになる」のような意味があります。人の性格を説明したいなら、とても自然です。Helpfulは、useful の意味と近いですが、使い方が違います。 Helpfulは、人間と物についても使えます。けれど、Useful は、物や事(生き物Beneficial beneficial adj 有益な;

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日本語を勉強中の中国人です。「Beneficiary Bank」のことは普通日本語でどのように表記するのでしょうか。日本の方に「Beneficiary Bank」の意味を理解していただくために、どのように説明したらわかりやすいでしょうか。 また、質問文Define Beneficial Occupancy means the condition after Substantial Completion but prior to Final Completion of the Project at which time the Project, or portion thereof, is sufficiently complete and systems operational such that the Owner could, after obtaining necessary approvals and certificates, occupy and utilize the space for its intended useInternational Food and Agribusiness Management Review;

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The Beneficial Area The Charity operates in nine local authority areas, known as the Beneficial Area The beneficiaries of John Lyon's Charity are the inhabitants of the following London boroughs Barnet, Brent, Camden, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Kensington & Chelsea and the Cities of London and Westminster See map belowHaving a good effect OPP detrimental a drug that has a beneficial effect on the immune system beneficial to/for Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment an arrangement that is mutually beneficial (=it has advantages for everyone who is involved) —beneficially adverb コーパスの例 beneficial • The twentyfive articles of the decree were farreaching and generally beneficialBeneficial ownership is a term in domestic and international commercial law which refers to the natural person or persons "who ultimately own or control a legal entity or arrangement, such as a company, a trust, or a foundation" The legal owner (ie the owner on the record) may be described as the "registered owner", and if they are not the beneficial owner they may be described as a

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Beneficial owner ˌbeneficial ˈowner 1 LAW PROPERTY the person or organization that has the advantages of ownership of a property 2 LAW FINANCE the real owner of an investment, rather than an organization holding the investment for them The law now says that the beneficialIl y a 2 jours Beneficial definition Something that is beneficial helps people or improves their lives Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesHighly beneficial 意味 発音を聞く 日本語に翻訳 モバイル版 非常{ひじょう}に有益{ゆうえき}な;

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利益 ; 恩恵 〖 benefit 〗 He gave them the benefit of her insight 彼は自分の洞察力と利益をもたらす副詞 highly beneficial 非常に有益な a mutually beneficial relationship 互いに利益となる関係 It is only slightly beneficial わずかしか利益を※社長、会長、理事長、代表など ※複数の場合あり ※社長、会長、理事長、代表など ※複数の場合あり ※b、c、d、f、g、hにおいて該当者が複数の場合は、全員について記入が必要です。

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Definition of BCO (Beneficial Cargo Owner) BCO, beneficial cargo owner, is the party that ultimately owns the product being shipped A BCO is often thought of as a term used only in the NVOCC or freight forwarder market, where BCO is also known as the importer of record BCO is also important in the domestic intermodal market, although can be anClearly beneficialとは意味 《be ~》有用性{ゆうよう せい}が明らかである 詳しい意味はこちらUBO register 1 Access to the UBO register You can already register your beneficial owners by connecting yourself to the online application (link is external) via your MyMinfin account 2 How to be prepared You can already prepare yourself and your entity beforehand by taking among others the following measures

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Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition; beneficialの意味は 「有益(有利)な」 です。 This is a beneficial for me これは私にとって有益です。 Macmillanで調べると something that is beneficial has a good effect or influence on someone or something beneficialな何かは誰かや何かによい効果や影響を持っている となっていまBeneficial 音節 ben・e・fi・cial 発音記号・読み方 / bènəfíʃəl ← / 発音を聞く 形容詞 1 〈もの・ 行為 が〉 有益な , 有利な a beneficial result 有益な結果 2 叙述的用法の形容詞 〔の〕 ためになって 〔 to 〕 A low ‐ fat diet is beneficial to patients with heart trouble

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Beneficial 意味, 定義, beneficial は何か 1 helpful, useful, or good 2 helpful, useful, or good 3 tending to help;Beneficial 形 都合 {つごう} が良い、役に立つ、有益 {ゆうえき} な ・Exercise is beneficial to your health 運動は健康に良い。Beneficial 意味 EN 日 有益, 有益です 形容詞 (Adjective) COM more beneficial SUP most beneficial SUFial Helpful or good to something or someone Mostly, the microbiome is beneficial It helps with digestion and enables people to extract a lot more calories from their food than would otherwise be possible Research over the past few years, however, has implicated it in diseases

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